Boy in striped pajams- Imagery

boy in striped cover

Describe an image from the piece of literature in detail. Why does this image strike you? Why is it important or significant? How does it add to the text? What does this image symbolize? Why

This image pretty much tells you the whole story in a drawing. The fence represents hatred and anti-Semitism because you can see that the two boys are longing to be friends, but the fence is between them and cuts into their friendship. It would almost be like biracial marriage between blacks and whites back in the olden days. Once upon a time, blacks and whites couldn’t marry without causing national attention. Their love was there, but the racial fence stood in the way of their love for each other. This image is important to the text because you need it to tell the whole gist, mood, and feeling of the story. The little boy in the overalls with brown hair is Bruno. He is nine years old, but according to the text, he is small for his age. The illustrator did a good job making Bruno look young in age and adding his innocent face. Bruno, represents the innocence of a child because when you are a child you don’t understand what is happening right before your eyes. Bruno has no idea that what he spots behind the fence right in his own backyard is hatred and labels. The little bald boy on the other side of the fence is the Jewish boy. He is wearing striped pajamas because he is in a concentration camp. I am not sure what he represents yet because I have only begun the book, but I know he is a Jew in a concentration camp or he is in prison because when you think of striped pajamas you think of prison. In the story it mentioned how the soldiers treated the people behind the fence. This was especially evident on page _____ where the author mentioned the story of the 3 children hugging and the soldiers yelling at them and clapping when they obeyed. These details tell me that the people behind the fence were Jews in a prison/ concentration camp. All of the symbols on the cover of this book foreshadow what is to come when you open the first page. This is why this picture is imperative to the meaning of the story overall.










One thought on “Boy in striped pajams- Imagery

  1. Your description is very detailed about the picture. I enjoyed and related to your thoughts of the image. I was interested by how you compared the picture’s situation to a real life issue: biracial marriage. This made your point more broad. I understood why the two boys were separated by a fence. One of the boys is a Jew and isn’t really considered a respected human being. The other boy with the brown hair is curious of the other one and seems like he want to help but can’t. All in all, I am pleased with your description of the powerful image.


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