Personal response – Boy in striped pajamas

Parallel reading

This text makes me put myself in Bruno’s shoes. What if I came home one day to find a moving van parked in my yard? I would be confused number 1 and would probably start to wonder what was going on, just like Bruno did. I would try and go ask my mom about it. Then when she gives me the information that we were moving I would be mad. So when Bruno had to move away from everything he knew, I felt for him. I would not want to move away from my familiar home to cold and desolate place. The funny part is that Bruno sounded more curious than angry about moving. In a time where he could have been stomping away to his room, he was asking what would happen to the house. This shows that Bruno is curious, just like me. All in all, this text makes me put myself in Bruno’s shoes.

Bruno’s mom seems kind of rude to me. I feel as though sometimes she cares more about manners than what Bruno has to say. In the first, chapter Bruno was talking to his mom about the house and he accidentally interrupted her to try and say what he thought and his mom was like ‘ Bruno don’t interrupt people when speaking”. This part made me roll my eyes because I feel as though if I take the time to think about my feelings and I speak them and it accidentally interrupts you, it should not be a big deal. Especially, considering the circumstances. Bruno’s dad is the one who aggravates me the most though. I feel as if he treats Bruno more like an employee than a son. When Bruno opened up to his father about the people he saw through the house windows, his dad basically said “Those people don’t matter, mind your own business and leave them be.” That, and the fact that Bruno’s dad seems too busy for everyone else in the family, makes me dislike him. Besides his mom and dad being overprotective and busy, I feel as though the rest of the family is ok. This includes Gretchen the hopeless case.

Overall, this book made me feel good and interested me. The style of writing is simplistic and easy to understand and it’s an easy read with a good message.


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