summary boy in striped pajamas

Summary Boy in striped pajamas

Caution may contain spoilers!

Pages 1-53

Bruno is a nine-year old protagonist who lives In Berlin with his sister Gretchen, their quiet maid Maria who stares more at the floor than at them, and hiss very important and untouchable and busy father. His life is perfect. He has 3 best friends, a house to explore in, and a window that stretches over Berlin. So when he comes home to see the maid packing up his stuff he immediately asks questions. But when he asks Maria what she is doing she ignores him . Then he asks his mom what is going on and she gives him the news that will change his life forever. It turns out that Bruno’s family was moving out of Berlin and to a new house far away. The news startles Bruno who thinks that life is perfect just the way it is. Besides who was to take care of their beautiful house while they were gone? What about his three friends and their plans? Most of all what about Berlin. All of these things run through Bruno’s mind as he suits up for an adventure that could change his life forever.

The journey to the new house includes 2 trains heading east. Bruno describes how he wants to adventure unto the other train and welcome the people unto the train but slowly ditches the idea. On his journey he encounters many more questions and very few answers. Finally, after a long trip Bruno’s family enters the new house and are startled. The new house looks desolate and cold unlike the house in Berlin that has streets overrun with people and vegetable stall overflowing with life. Immediately, the move seems like a huge mistake, but when Bruno tries to talk to his mom about it she pushes him away and tells him to go pack. So one day when his father is not so busy he goes and knocks on his door. Through a heated conversation that ends with a bang, Bruno is sent back to his room and told to adjust. But what about the solider with golden hair who looks at him as if he has never seen a child before? What about the mean and boys in the place across the fence? What about home? Most of all what about Hitler?

Told from the perspective of a curious nine-year old living in the life of antisemitism.

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